Florian and Thomas worked on the task A17, which involved the 'Day without technology' and recording a video about this event. We tried our best to involve as many people as possible in it, and finally got our whole school to participate. So for one day, every person in the school building used a minimal amount of technology. Promoted by several posters all around the school, this was a pretty big event for all of us, and we later reflected about how it felt, and what the purpose of such an event was. In all, the 'Day without technology' was successful and made many students and teachers think about their technology usage, and my personal contribution to the Connected With The Environment program Module 3.
What have we done during those 2 years? Does everyone know about it? In order to answer those questions we decided to get into the classrooms and show the rest of the school what we have done. It turns out it was quite a lot, because not a single pair could finish in a 15 minute slot...so much to talk about! It was a great opportunity to show everyone how much work and effort we put into it and that it pays off to participate in the project! We will see what the future brings! Let's hope we will get another project!
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