On Friday, 15th of March we went to Congress Square because there was a protest against increasing of climate change, that was organised by Slovenian teenagers and young adults. The project was started by Greta Thunberg in Sweden. She stopped attending school on Fridays and she didn’t plan to come back until The Swedish Government did something about climate change and pollution. Soon her friends and other teenagers all over the world started to join her. The 15th of March 2019 was the day people from more than 100 countries gathered and protested for better future. In Ljubljana there were more than 9 thousand protesters.
We interviewed a few people that attended the protest. We asked why are they here, what Planet B means to them and if they think so many people will make a difference.
The questions we asked: Why are you here today? Do you think so many people will make a difference? What is Planet B to you?
The answers we got:
- To help accomplish certain changes and I think it’s good that there is so many of us, cause now we have a bigger chance to make a change.
- What’s happening to our Earth is not right and we have to come together to stand for better future.
- Because I care for our environment and for our future, we have to make a change now and not in 50 years when it’s to late.
Written by Slovenian students.
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