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Showing posts from January, 2019

Conclusion On Netiquette

For the Erasmus 2018~2019 project, we made two posters about internet etiquette “Netiquette”. We made two of them, because we are an international and national school, which is why we created them in two languages, Slovene and English. The top three rules that we found, and thought were the most important are: 1.  Do not reveal your personal data, choose your password wisely and make it complicated. 2.  If you wont say it in real life, do not say it online. 3.  Think twice before posting a picture, because anyone can see it. In conclusion, by making these posters, we learned from them that you should be careful with social media. Especially, how you behave and what you post.

A day without technology in Slovenia

The 21st of December 2018 was very special for our school. We had a day without technology- ˝IZŠTEKANI˝ or ˝UNPLUGGED˝. And when the no-phone rule is on for our students at all times, even teachers and staff had to obey it and put our classic lessons aside because all computers and projectors were turned off. And instead of grammar rules and equations, lessons were focused on socialising without our everyday devices and what our lives would look like without technology today. Our students had different opinions: I think it's good because we can spend our time in a different way without technology. I don't really see the difference. In my opinion it's pretty interesting and fun, we could have days like this more often. I like that day because we can see how our everyday lessons would look without computers and other devices that make them easier. The responses were overall very good and our students are looking forward to repeating the pro...

Therats of technology

As a part of Erasmus project we researched the main threats of technology. First we learned what technology is and where can we see it in everyday life and then we did a research on its threats. This is how our opinion changed after our research: We found a lot of threats so we decided to show only main ones on the poster.   Made by students from Slovenia

Last day in Greece

Now it is Friday, the 25th of January 2019. It is our final day in Greek. All of us are a little bit torn between being happy to see our families back home in Austria, but wanting to stay and see even more things all around the country. All of us had a great time and we were able to have an eye on the Greek culture. Out of this reason I feel like host families are a great opportunity when you are on a trip abroad. We were all able to see many historical and important places in Athens and outside of the city, but we also had a lot of time to spend with out host families, which we used to eat a lot and do fun things. For example a few of us went to an escape room, a few went bowling and other were even able to watch sports games of their host child. We are all very happy with the family we received and hope to stay in contact. Overall the time in Greece was amazing and we had a great time. As mentioned we would like to stay in contact with our host families, as you never know how soon it...

Greece Module 3 Trip ISC

Greece Module 3 Trip ISC Austria We arrived on Sunday, 20th of January 2019 at the airport of Athens (Greece). We were soon after introduced to our host families, this is how our trip to Greece started! We spent the rest of the day in the company of our host families.  Monday The next day we went to school, in the CGS school in Athens, we're we started the day with a team building activity: treasure hunt. We were split up in groups were there was only one member from each country. And our main task was to collect all the envelopes, which contained the necessary hints in order to find the final treasure.  Later we had our first 3D printing workshop, which we were paired up with our host friend and we were assigned a piece of the Erasmus+ logo (for example, my group had to do a part of the Croatian flag).  In the afternoon, every country presented their outcomes for both Module 2 and Module 3.  Tuesday   On Tuesday, we all went to a trip which h...

A17 "Day Without Technology" / Florian / ISC Austria

Florian and Thomas worked on the task A17, which involved the 'Day without technology' and recording a video about this event. We tried our best to involve as many people as possible in it, and finally got our whole school to participate. So for one day, every person in the school building used a minimal amount of technology. Promoted by several posters all around the school, this was a pretty big event for all of us, and we later reflected about how it felt, and what the purpose of such an event was. In all, the 'Day without technology' was successful and made many students and teachers think about their technology usage, and my personal contribution to the Connected With The Environment program Module 3.

Letters from Day without technology

Hi everybody! Today we had the Erasmus + class and that one was really cool. We did a lot of things. Firstly, we got letters with opinions about the day without technology from people from other countries! We loved reading them. Secondly, we have presented our projects about threats of technology in our everyday life. Our group did a poster in Padlet and both students and teacher liked it. That’sall for today. Hope to meet some of you on the exchange in Greece. Bye!

A19 Objective accomplishments- Module 3- Austria ISC

A19 Supporting learning via technology   Objective accomplishments For this module the main focus was to investigate how technology is used for learning purposes by teachers , but also how it is visible in our everyday school lessons- to sum it up, it was mostly about exploring and understanding how technology is used for learning purposes by teachers at ISC (Austria).  In order to know this, a survey was shared with 17 teachers from both PYP and MYP, 10 teachers answered the survey, but 7 teachers have not.  In the survey, 4 questions in total were asked, in which mainly the questions were about how the teachers used technology to structure and plan their lessons, so basically how technology benefited their work as a teacher. But also how technology was beneficial to students, and their personal opinion about it.  To show our findings, we created a poster which was hung up in the entrance of our school, for the whole school community to see and have ...

ERASMUS / Module 3 / Not getting hurt online / Paul and Thomas

Thomas and myself worked on this special part of the third erasmus connected with the environment module. At first only myself (Paul) completed the module, but later on Thomas joined in, as he himself did no longer have any work to do. Together we wrote down a skript, which we were going to present to the whole MYP in our school. And so we did! At first the skript was overviewed by one of our teachers, to see if there was anything missing, but then we were ready to go. In addition I created a poster to hang up in our school building. This poster represented the most important facts about using technology and the harms it has to be online/on social media. A total of 5 posters were hung up in our school and greatly appreciated by the students as well as the teachers.

ISC - A day without Technology

A Day Without technology. On the 30th of November